#EGM03_T1_NN1 - Horemhebes, take troops to defend the fortresses. Alexander's army is stronger than ours, so don't attempt any sallies. Hold the Hellenes back for as long as you can - I have to gather enough forces to protect the capital!
#EGM03_T1_PK1 - I will do my best, my lord.
#EGM03_T1_PK2 - My king, the fortresses have fallen and Alexander's army is moving in on us.
#EGM03_T1_NN2 - Well, Horemhebes, we'd better move into defence. Pull back your men, we'll meet them on the walls of Memphis.
#EGM03_T1_NN3 - We have crushed them! The gods have not forsaken us!
#EGM03_T1_PK3 - The gods of Egypt are with us, my lord, since you are the first among gods!
#EGM03_T1_mis3 - Protect the forts -
#EGM03_T1_mis3a - The forts fell -
#EgM03_TAsk_1 - Hold
#EgM03_TAsk_1F - Hold the fort as long as possible to get ready for the main battle.
#EgM03_TAsk_2 - Hold
#EgM03_TAsk_2F - Hold the fort as long as possible to prepare for the main battle.
#EgM03_TAsk_3 - Defeat Alexander
#EgM03_TAsk_3F - Destroy Alexander's camp and defeat his army.
#EgM03_TAsk_3Fi - You will lose if Nectanebo dies or the enemy breaks into the city and destroys the temple.
#EgM03_mis3_ne - Bad news! Nectanebo was killed in a battle.
#EgM03_mis3_hr - Defeat! The temple has been destroyed.
#EgM03_mis3_win - Perfect! You've destroyed the Macedonian camp and made them run away.